Training seminars about the Food Chain in San Telmo

On 8th November 2023, the Institute of San Telmo organised a number of seminars in Madrid on “The Food Supply Chain: ready to face the challenges?”, which was attended by Herminia Millán Linares, CEO of Ofade Consulting. 

The aim of this seminar was to debate, reflect upon, and draw practical conclusions on the key aspects of the business of food companies, allowing attendees to exchange experiences, detect opportunities within the Food Chain and interact with a group of people who share a common interest. 

The seminar began with a welcome speech and an outline of the day by José Manuel Baro Salguero, Executive Director of the Seminar. 

In the first session, Professor José Antonio Boccherini Bogert delivered a seminar on “Foodtech and new foods: is all that glitters gold?”, where he spoke about the alternatives needed to feed a growing world population with the use of natural resources, reducing food waste, and always bearing in mind obesity, health, nutrition, and climate change. 

In the second session, José Antonio Latre Ballarín (from EY-Parthenon) and Professor José Antonio Boccherini Bogert delivered a seminar on “The analysis of the economic environment, a key management tool in times of extreme volatility”. In this presentation, they revealed the importance of correctly understanding the economic environment and the impact it has on our sector and our companies, so that we can respond appropriately to adversity. 

In the third and final session, Professor José Luis García del Pueyo explained how to manage and develop a ‘love brand’ in the current environment. Taking the pasta brand ‘Gallo’ as an example, he explained the policy of constant innovation and investment in communication that has turned this brand into a benchmark ‘love brand’ in the food market. 

It was an enriching training day in which Ofade had the opportunity to interact with various important figures within the food industry and discuss the challenges of the sector, as well as a chance to continue training so as to pass on this knowledge to its customers.